packing and shooting in maine
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
3rd entry – maine 2009
Since Calabria, I have invested in a new camera case with wheels and a small luggage cart. Tonight I tried packing my camera equipment into the new case, but I don’t like it. Also this trip doesn’t have the lay-overs of the trip to Lamezia, so I’m going to use my large shoulder bag. The luggage cart will be fine; I tried it out.
But, I’ll carry the case. Again I’m going from home to the airport, to the gate and then I’m getting picked up at the other end. I also learned in Rome that an airport luggage cart is fine. Once I swallowed my pride and started using the airport luggage cart, having the shoulder bag was not a problem.
The weather for south-eastern Maine is variable, it’s a wait and see thing.
Shooting in Maine
(This is the next thing I have to figure out. Does a strong collapsible tripod exists?) My whole time in Calabria and I used the tripod a couple of times. I lugged it across the ocean and through airports just to use it a couple of times.