red-rock mountain
Friday, December 25, 2009
4th entry – christmas 2009
Christmas day I went to pick up Christian at the airport and on the way I had time to shoot in Prince Township.
The Township is a vast lake-plain bordered by low, red-rock mountains. The mountains are part of the Canadian Shield – a broad region of Precambrian rock that encircles Hudson Bay and extends to the Great Lakes. It’s always been one of my favorite areas to shoot. Friday was an overcast, dreary day. The image on the right is one of the most Photoshopped pics I’ve ever created.
I went shooting, because the plane was supposed to be late, but in the middle of my shoot I start getting text messages that the plane had landed followed by, “where r u? i’m waiting.”
The pic is of a house at the base of the mountain chain. The property is vast and there are 8 garage spaces.