water – italy, 2014
I wanted to use Bill Stanies’ song River in a photo-essay, so I went looking for water images. And just as the tapestry photo became the focal-point of the color essay, the river-god – Ganges – is the focus of this grouping. Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi in Piazza Navona is spectacular and Ganges the most giant of the four titans.
This group also includes two other images that blew me away. The fist is the coast of Basilicata – the last image in the first row. Its rugged beauty and its colossal mountains mix well with Bernini’s giants. The second is a shot of the harbor at Naples – last image in bottom row. (Is the red lighthouse the location of the famous lighthouse of Santa Lucia?) In 1957, we left Italy from here and to be back to shoot it was strange.