Friday, March 4, 2016
last gaspsunrise – 6:48, sunset – 6:15
11 hours and 27 minutes of daylight
It has been a topsy-turvy week. Sunday through Tuesday the temperature hit 670, but by Wednesday it had dropped 20 degrees and by Thursday it plummeted to 190. And to add to the misery, last night it started to snow. It’s the wet-snow of late spring and it won’t last long, but man winter needs to be over.
In the image, east and sunrise are on the right. On the bricks, you begin to see the morning sun creeping down Sampsonia and lighting the row-houses. (I thought of re-shooting, but it’ll be well after noon before the sun hits the backyard.)
I never understand March, its weird weather patterns feel like a torture regiment. I’m terribly impatient with the yo-yo mercury. And even though this has been a mild winter, certainly compared to last year, I want it done. And to think there was a time in my life when wet, March snow just meant using the red ski wax.
15 days till spring