Saturday, December 24, 2016
a glooming peacechristmas 2016 – 4
click to read the christmas 2016 posts
Last night it started to rain and by this morning the snow was wet and the snowbanks down to under 5-feet. Everything is gun-barrel-grey. Seane, Lilly and I went walking, but it was like walking through cold dense fog; a chill left me shivering; a chill that you can only experience in a northern climate in melting snows.
There was a similar thaw last year. Town was clear of snow, but the area around Trout Lake, where my cousin’s son lives and where we were headed, was a winter micro-climate. The ground, the granite slabs, the boulders were covered in thick layers of wet snow. And the evergreens looked like tall pregnant women; their branches round with dripping white mounds. It was disconcerting driving the rut-filled, unpaved road that circled the lake, but there was no other option for getting to Dominic’s son’s house.
On our walk, two guys on bicycles with hoodies and cigarettes dangling from their lips and looking like meth-addicts said hello and merry christmas. (Yeah, only someone high as a kite could be merry in this morning gloom.) My comment to Seane was that there are some scuzzy people in this end of town.
The image is Seane and Lilly and my dad at the mailbox getting the morning mail. And I brightened the image as much as I could and it’s still grey. The sun and winter-wonderland of a couple days ago are gone. Also, I’ve almost completed the slide-show change from summer to winter. The third image was also from our morning walk and the tree is full of frozen apples that for some reason have not fallen to the ground.