thinking out loud
Friday, October 21, 2022
into battle
It’s been a while since I just did a list of random thoughts:
- TV, particularly 24/7 cable news, needs to be shut down – yes, yes I know the first amendment!!!
- cable news, and TV in general, provide a bubble to live in and many have opted for that hill-top village
- the other night Trevor Noah said it best, ‘if cable news, with its endless trump-coverage, is chasing ratings, then be up front about it’
- in olden times, geography isolated us, today TV and social-media provide the segregation
- movies, sports, comedians, authors, artists have all been supplanted by cable news hosts; these hosts are the stars of today
- America and all first-world countries, have reached a peak in living standards never before realized and we are determined to hold on to our vapes, our gas-guzzlers, our avocados – fuck democracy, fuck rights, fuck sovereignty, fuck the planet
- the more I see, read and hear, the more convinced I am that a global conflict is coming
- Steven Spielberg is one of the most over-rated directors; he is not in the same league as Hitchcock, Fellini, Coppola, Scorsese, Bertolucci, Kubrick …
- the Italians hung Mussolini upside down from a gas-station roof-beam in Milan; the country is no better off, regarding its criminals and corruption, than countries that didn’t bring their war monsters to justice
- my generation needs to get off the god-damn stage like NOW; millennials, and the fifty-year-olds need a turn
- given that my generation wont participate in a peaceful transfer of power, y’all need to grab it from us – I’m on your side in this battle
The thumbnail leading to this post on the homepage is of the post-and-rail fences at Gettysburg;
and the above image is of the sculpture atop the Pennsylvania memorial at the Civil War battlefield.