February 10, 2013
1st entry – new website
(the new site went live saturday, february 23, 2013.)
Last weekend the groundhog saw his shadow and this weekend is supposed to end winter’s grip on the land.
The last time winter ruled with an iron grip was four years ago, and I’ve forgotten how tight and chocking that strangle-hold can be. Well the winter of 2013 is reminding me. But that reminder acts like a tease swinging between extremes – one weekend it’s severely cold, the following weekend is spring-like. One week I’m wearing three layers, a scarf wound tight around my neck, a tuque fulled down to cover all my head. The next week, I’m wearing a sweat shirt.
The week of January 22, the temperatures were below zero. This past weekend, everyone was out in shorts. It’s the wild swings I don’t remember. (In my memory winter was a long, slow march with hope and light coming late in February.) And of course the pundits tell us there is no change in our weather patterns and those of us who think there is must be left-wing liberals.