Sunday, January 17, 2016
6 – the cold-cellarsunrise – 7:41, sunset – 5:20
9 hours and 39 minutes of daylight
click to read the making salami posts
In the image on the left, my dad is salting the prosciutti. The four prosciutti – two large and two smaller ones – stayed in the plastic tub for 48 hours. The middle image is of the salami my dad has already made. The second item in is pancetta. The last image on the right are the soppressate and the salsiccie we made. The outside-casings on the soppressata squeeze it and make the drying easier. (Sarah and I put the soppressate into these outside-casing. My dad had me gather the outside-casing onto a piece of PVC piping. Sarah and I slid the soppressata through the pipe and when it emerged it was wrapped in the constricting string casing.)
The middle and right images are in my dad’s cold-cellar. (There is enough food-stuff in this space to feed a family for at least six months. The demijohns with the wine are behind me.)