Sunday, January 17, 2016
7 – winter windmillssunrise – 7:41, sunset – 5:20
9 hours and 39 minutes of daylight
click to read the making salami posts
Connie invited us to take a ride out to the cottage and after lunch, we headed out. Maki Road that last month was snow-free was now buried under packed snow. Am so glad I don’t live here.
We stopped at the windmills. I like the tractors and snowplows at the bottom of the sleek elegant tower. When it comes to clean energy, Canada is ahead of us. The windmills on the Red Rock ridge have been turning for almost 10 years and the number of solar-farms in the area is a surprise and a hopeful sign.
We also stopped at the rise above Lakeshore Road; the same location where I shot the Boxing-Day pic. And of course I shot the same landscape now covered in snow.