Explore the site

featured gallery

The large images on the homepage
link to the featured gallery.

Click the large image to open
the gallery - the rocks of superior.

galleries, category text-pages, additional pages, interviews, archives

  • Gallery - On the homepage, clicking one of the five thumbnails will open a gallery of images.
  • Category Text-page - Clicking on any of the five titles in the header will open a text-page for that category.
  • At the bottom right of each category text-page are links to Interviews, Additional Pages and Archives.
  • Interviews - The button links to an audio file of a pertinent interview. The audio file has a built-in player.
  • Additional Pages - The button points to additional text-pages and images that showcase a related section of the category. Clicking on the thumbnail links to a larger image with photographic information.
  • Archives - The button points to a page that displays thumbnails and links to past galleries and additional pages.
  • Journal - Clicking on the Journal title in the header will open the journal. I use the journal as a record of trips and events.

category text-page

The titles in the header link to a category text-page. The text-page is an introduction to that category. The Journal title takes you to the journal entries. Below are additional links found on the category text-pages.


Flowers Gallery

The thumbnail on the homepage links to a gallery. This thumbnail would link to the flowers gallery.

Additional Pages

Clicking a category title in the header, takes you to the text-page for that category.
In the bottom right is an additional pages button. This button links to the additional pages for that category.

additional pages - images

The thumbnails in the additional pages link to larger images and photographic information.


Clicking a category title in the header, takes you to the text-page for that category.
In the bottom right is an interview button. This button links to a page with interview information and an audio file with a built-in player.


Clicking a category title in the header, takes you to the text-page for that category.
In the bottom right is an archives button. This button links to the archives - older galleries and older additional pages - for that category.


The journal link takes you to my online log. This is a record of events and trips. The entries include pictures.


Tips on getting around:

  • Clicking on the fotografie aprigliano logo in the header always brings you back to the homepage
  • Clicking thumbnail images will open a gallery or larger image
  • In a gallery, click a title to see the photos in that gallery
  • In a gallery, click the small thumbnail to see a larger image
  • Category links in the header return to the main text-page for that category
  • Links at the bottom of every page return Home or open image galleries

Contact Information

mario zinga - pittsburgh, pennsylvania mario's facebook page mario's email - mario@aprigliano.us