
ceilings – 2013

The Ceilings of Le Marche – August, 2013

le marche – 2013

September 17, 2013 gallerie fotografiche/galleries

The images in this gallery were taken in August, 2013. The locations represented are:

  • Castello – wire horse
  • Fonte Avellana – the monastery, the altar, the side-yard
  • Orciano
  • Isola di Fano/Earle-and-Suzanne’s
  • Ascoli Piceno
  • Offida
  • Fratte Rosa
  • Cartoceto – the library
  • Monte Maggiore al Metauro
  • Acqualagna
  • Piobbico
  • Pesaro
  • Torricella

the kids-2

September 19, 2013 gallerie fotografiche/galleries

These family photographs were scanned using an hp scanjet 7400c. With Photoshop, I sized them.

the kids-1

These family photographs were scanned using an hp scanjet 7400c. With Photoshop, I sized them.

water – 2014

Chesley, Ontario, Lake Huron and Lake Superior – August 2014.

ciccio’s garden

This is my father’s garden – August 11, 2014.


Images 1-6: from the balcony
Images 7-10: from the opposite valley



The first 4 images are in Belmonte.
The next group is us in Aprigliano.
These are followed by 3 images from Cosenza.
The last two images are the beaches at the bottom of the mountain in Belmonte.


September 18, 2014 gallerie fotografiche/galleries

Images 1 – 6: Museo di Capodimonte
Image 7: Ercolano
Images 8 – 13: Museo Archelogical Nazionale
Images 14 – 16: The streets of Naples
Image 17: Roof of Galleria Umberto I


September 19, 2014 gallerie fotografiche/galleries

people1 – italy, 2014

people2 – italy, 2014


creamer salt-pepper copper
candle pitcher jar


sunflowers 005 sunflowers20 sunflowers 007
sunflowers19 sunflowers 016 sunflowers 018


mountains – machu-picchu

the ruins – machu-picchu

people – machu-picchu

royal-oak basilica

1st part of the trip

Seane and I began the planning for the trip during Christmas 2018.
The images in this first gallery begin in Oakville, Ontario – first image – in the driveway; the next 7 images are from Orvieto, my favorite hilltop town north of Rome; then there’s the image of me in a field of poppies in the countryside near Firenze; and the last image is Seane in the amazing Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa.

L to R – 1st row
-the four of us in Oakville
-Connie and Seane in Orvieto
-Seane and me on the same hilltop road
-Seane having breakfast
2nd row
-Connie, Seane and Christian in front of the Orvieto Cathedral (I love the doors)
-Seane and Christian wrapped up in their blue ‘modesty’ smocks in the Cathedral
-Connie and Seane below a white flower trellis
3rd row
-Me in a poppy field (the GPS took us totally off track, but we found the countryside)
-Seane holding up the campanile
-Leaning to the left

To view the gallery, click on the first thumbnail. This will take you to the large images, arranged in a slide-show format.

To read the journal associated with these images, goto:


The images in this gallery are from the Duomo – Cathedral – in Orvieto, the Medici Chapel in Florence and the Certosa di Bologna – cemetery.

To view the gallery, click on the first thumbnail. This will take you to the large images, arranged in a slide-show format.

To read the journal associated with these images, goto:

what & where

To view the gallery, click on the first thumbnail. This will take you to the large images, arranged in a slide-show format.

To read the journal associated with these images, goto:

2, then 3, then 4

L to R
1st row
– Me, Connie and Christian at the Uffizi rooftop cafe
– Connie in front of a vape shop in Florence
– Connie and I in the Medici Chapel
2nd row
– Seane and Connie in the Medici Chapel
– Seane, Connie and Christian at the Santuario San Luca outside Bologna
– Seane and Christian in Venice
3rd row
– Connie, Christian and Seane in one of the calle in Venice
– the four of us in Murano
– Seane, Connie and Christian in Burano
4th row
– at the Trevi
– at the Airbnb
– at the Vatican

To view the gallery, click on the first thumbnail. This will take you to the large images, arranged in a slide-show format.

To read the journal associated with these images, goto:

la serenissima

To view the gallery, click on the first thumbnail. This will take you to the large images, arranged in a slide-show format.

To read the journal associated with these images, goto:

then & now

September 30, 2019 gallerie fotografiche/galleries

in the summer of our lifetimes

Sixteen young men entered the Christian Brothers Novitiate in Narragansett, Rhode Island on Sunday, September 1, 1968. (The black-and-white image is from September, 1968. We received the robe on the Sunday, the picture was taken shortly after that.) Of those sixteen, 7 of us met in Narragansett for a 50-year re-union. (Kevin, who joined us for the re-union, had left and gone back home by Robe Day – the Sunday we went from Postulants to Novices. In the picture of us at dinner, Kevin is the person sitting on the far right.)

The person sitting in the middle, in the front row was Brother John Finnegan. He was the Provincial – head of the LI-NE District at the time. The person on his left was Brother John Veale our Director of Novices. Their grave-markers are in the cemetery at Narragansett. (The pic of the crucifix surrounded be the various shrubs is the center of the Brothers’ Cemetery at Narragansett.)

The aerial drone pic, of the property in Narragansett, is from Brother Michael Shubnell’s Facebook page.

To view the gallery, click on one of the thumbnails.


These images were taken at Phipps Conservatory.

2019 in pictures

the 2019 images i liked best



orchids at phipps


WWI monuments



The images in this gallery were shot by Giuseppe Gobbi. I’m friends with Mr. Gobbi on Facebook, and I wanted to showcase his amazing pictures.

The only adjustments I made to his images was to crop them to fit into the gallery format of 1480px by 390px.


This is a second set of images shot by Giuseppe Gobbi.

The only adjustments I made to his images was to crop them to fit into the gallery format of 1480px by 390px.

summer – 2022

The images in this gallery come from: the garden in the plaza at Highland Park; the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy street-garden at West North and Brighton; my cousins’ patio in Oxford, Michigan; and my backyard.
The featured image is from a store-front next to PNC Park.

late-summer, 2022

September 21, 2022 gallerie fotografiche/galleries

phipps, early fall

allamanda trumpet-flowers, chrysanthemums, nasturtiums, dahlias, pin-cherries, and early beautyberries – Phipps in October


these images were taken in North Park, West Park and in my neighborhood

orchids – 2025

the slides are from the phipps orchid and bonsai show – february, 2025

Paweł Smolik

Paweł Smolik is a Polish photographer – his images are amazing and I’m proud to be able to showcase them.
Note: I altered the size of the images to – 1480px by 390px – in order to fit them into the format I use. To see his un-cropped images go to his FB page.