st. michael's, inside

I was shooting the exterior on a bright Sunday morning when I saw people going into the church and decided to follow. On the first floor was a grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes. On the stairs leading to the sanctuary was a representation of the crucifixion. Upstairs was a beautiful church dotted with old people praying.

The next time I was in Homestead, I saw someone come out to unlock the door, I politely asked it I could take photographs. He hesitated, but said that since Mass was at 9:00, I could shoot. He took me to the grotto, one of his favorite locations. Once we got upstairs, he let me wander around and shoot. This particular morning was overcast and the interior is dark brick, but I found any light I could and shot the altars and the statues.

The main altar is under a copula topped with an angel - St. Michael? The inscription is not in Latin, but in some Slovac tongue. At the side altar of The Virgin an elderly man spent his time lighting candles and praying the rosary aloud. He was being supervised by an Archangel, The Queen of Heaven, The Dolorosa and St. Terese.
(The thumbnail points to the large image.)